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The website maintains a secure decentralised social networking node based on friendica. Register your free account on now ! Simply download and install the dica app from the google playstore on your smartphone after your initial account registration and you are ready to go for your fresh decentralized social media experience which repects your privacy !

EXCLUSIVE: First Things First #2 – So you want to be a soldier?

First Things First # 2 – So you want to be a soldier? Original Link: Channel Link for your RSS feed reader (copy & paste): Please read the following Bible passage below, after you watched the video above. II Timothy 2:1 [*Via DBD devotional for February 1st] You therefore, my son, be strong

EXCLUSIVE: Comment Da Newz #1 – “Chip tuning” for you or your puppy?

Introducing the fresh interactive satirical series “Comment Da News”, on this website, reflecting the current “Zeitgeist”, in order to share some thoughts on the recent development worldwide, because of the complicated situtation with “free speech” these days as a common, non celebrity, so called “normie”, these days. As you might have noticed, Russel Brand recently

EXCLUSIVE: City Lights – Chris Tuttle

In case you did not notice the awesome tune City Lights by Chris Tuttle in the audio streaming section of this website before, feel free to watch the official music video release below. In case you didn’t know: Chris Tuttle is an American Songwriter, Composer, Producer, and Multi-Instrumentalist that has had his hand in an