Friday Fright Night # 1 – The Hills Have Eyes

Most gen X-ers may not have been aware of the movie “The Hills Have Eyes”, back in the day, because they were kids, back then. There was a remake in the 2000s, some of us may know! You might purchase the remake here.

You can watch the original from back in 1977 right below! Please be aware that the following movie isn’t suitable for audiences below 18 years of age…. Thank you!

Original Link: Please copy and paste the original link, into the TOR browser after you downloaded and installed it on your computer for your OS, if you can’t watch the embedded video above, if Youtube shows “Video unavailable – This video is restricted”, from where you access this website and live! Thank you!

What’s the purpose of this friday fright night series? Let’s wait and see…. Aren’t horror movies anodyne because you as viewer know, these movies are pure fiction and unreal, compared to some events in the real world, these days? Stay tuned for the upcoming articles and blog posts!

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